New Magnificent Missouri board member, Jason Marschel
We are pleased to announce that Magnificent Missouri has named a new director who not only has a great love of the land in the Missouri River valley and along the Katy Trail but who also owns several remarkable farm properties in the area.
Marschel Wrecking, the company Jason and his wife founded, has been a part of many significant St. Louis projects including the Gateway Arch Renovation, St. Louis City Foundry, and the St. Louis Post Dispatch Building being renovated for Square in downtown St. Louis. Marschel Wrecking is also the lead demolition contractor on the Hard Rock Hotel demolition in New Orleans.
Below is the text from an article that recently appeared in the Washington Missourian.
St. Louis, MO – July 9, 2020 — Magnificent Missouri, a conservation organization that works to conserve and protect land in southern Warren County, along the Missouri River and Katy Trail, announced today that Jason Marschel, owner of Marschel Wrecking, has joined its board of directors.
According to Dan Burkhardt, President of Magnificent Missouri, “Jason has a great love of the Missouri countryside. He believes in conservation and leaving places better than he finds them and that is what Magnificent Missouri is all about. He is an ideal board member, someone with great business expertise and a strong conservation ethic.”
Marschel said he first became acquainted with Magnificent Missouri in 2014 when he attended a presentation by Burkhardt about his book “Missouri River Country” at the Warren County Historical Society. “I realized then that Dan and I shared the same love for the hills and forests in the Missouri River valley,” Marschel said. “My business is primarily in St. Louis and other urban locations and that has made me even more appreciative of the countryside in the area where I grew up and still live with my wife Joanne and two daughters. I look forward to being a part of an organization that conserves and appreciates this place.”
Like Marschel, Burkhardt and his wife Connie own a farm in southern Warren County. They protected their 200-acre farm with a conservation easement in 2010. “We formed Magnificent Missouri to educate other landowners about how they could do what we did — make sure their land stayed in agricultural or forestry use and not be developed in the future,” Burkhardt said. The Burkhardts also own the Peers Store and the Treloar Mercantile and use those places on behalf of Magnificent Missouri to illustrate the value of conservation and preservation.
Magnificent Missouri also organizes events that highlight recreation, conservation and preservation. They plant native trees and prairies, eliminate invasive species and encourage collaboration among cultural, conservation and historical organizations. More information is available at MagnificentMissouri.org.